So, we started p90x Dec 31st of this past year. You know, New Years resolution time-frame.
Here's the deal. Time and Dedication are not it my vocabulary, yet.
I am proud to say that we (J,C, and I) completed almost the entire 3 months, but then had to focus on completing the Fargo Marathon Relay...running 6mi increments...which we also completed.
3 months. 90 Days. Rock hard body. Not hardly.
The beginning of April I realized that I needed to make some choices in my schedule...cuz we homeschool people...and if you homeschool, you need to be home (without guests).
So, I felt (probably from the LORD) that 3 months/90 days may be the winning ticket, to "getting/obtaining/achieving" the secret of "liking my home" enough to actually STAY home (without guests).
Well, there were already people on the calendar and events scheduled, thru July, really. What to do about that?
NO NEW TAXES, people. I just wouldn't add any more events/travel/guests.
Then, we got the MONO (3months/90days), in our house.
Events/Travel/Guests...canceled immediately.
You think Someone is trying to tell me something?